Privacy Policy

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Scientimed Solutions Pvt Ltd aims at enhancing educational assistance by providing evidence based information. The information provided by us is accurate and represented in best possible creative way it could be. It is assumed that the user acknowledges and accepts the terms and conditions by accessing the website, thus kindly check the privacy policy regularly for any amendments.

Secured user details:

Scientimed solutions Pvt Ltd is strongly adherent to protecting its customer’s privacy, the website doesn’t demand personal details of the customer, and whenever the details are required the server keeps them safe and secure. We may ask for information during registration, subscription and while request for more services, and also during the time of reporting a complaint with our website. A record of the details is kept whenever you reach us for any query, or of your visits to website, other means of communication, and the resources you have accessed. Customer interaction, proposals, orders, billing and transaction details are also recorded. But all of this information is shielded from unauthorized access.

Information Collected:

The information collected about the users will help us to provide them with the best content, products and services in an appropriate manner, to update the users about any new product/service which they might find interesting, to provide users a notification about the amendments if any in the services, to execute the needful regarding any contracts between users and us. All necessary procedures required will be done to keep a check on compliance with the privacy policy. All the data provided is kept on secure servers.


For the sole purpose analysis of how the website is being used, we secure our right to employ the cookie technology. The cookie file is stored on the user’s computer containing information about the customer and website, which can be accessed from the web server and customer computer. These files keep a record of the pages you have accessed on the website thus, helping us to improvise the website considering user preferences, getting us an idea about the expanse of our audience, galloping searches and remembering the customers when they return to the website. Majority of web browsers accept cookies but, you can customize your browser settings to stop it but then you may not be able to access some of the content from this website.

IP Address:

Through your IP addresses we may have access to some information regarding your operating system, computer, and type of browser. However, accessing this data will not reveal your identity but will showcase the statistical data of browsing style of the users.